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Opening Keynote by David van Weel at the EuRepoC Conference 2024

David van Weel, the former Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid, and Cyber at NATO, delivered this keynote speech at the EuRepoC Conference in June 2024. In his address, he highlighted the complexity of the cyber threat landscape, emphasizing the urgent need for a deeper understanding of activities in cyberspace and outlining crucial actions for the future.

Notable Publications

    New Critical Infrastructure Tracker
    New Critical Infrastructure Tracker
    April 22, 2024
    Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Actions?: The EU’s Application of the Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox
    Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Actions?: The EU’s Application of the Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox
    February 1, 2024
    New Spotlight Article – One Year of Hostilities in Ukraine
    New Spotlight Article - One Year of Hostilities in Ukraine
    April 20, 2023

    In their new Spotlight Article, "One Year of Hostilities in Ukraine: Nine Notes on Cyber Operations," Dr. Kerstin Zettl-Schabath and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch discuss developments and lessons learned on cyber conflict dynamics from the war in Ukraine, drawing from the EuRepoC database to inform their analysis.

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